Additional books that are helpful to Married people and that can aid them to lead a life of Holiness.
These books focus on the interior life of each partner and show practical ways of growing in virtue.
Some are classics , others are very contemporary. These are not intended as books which deal with serious
problems in relationship broadly defined as 'counselling books' but with the ongoing growth of love and
deepening relationship. However as prayer is the basis of change of heart they may also help those who
are experiencing difficulties in their relationship of various kinds.
Gift of Self...Heather Ward, Darton Longman and Todd 1990.
Introduction to the Devout Life...St. Francis de Sales Tan Books
Holiness for Housewives... Hubert van Zeller Sophia Press 1997.
A Mothers Rule of Life... Holly Pierlot Shophia Press 2004.
Growing into Love...Joyce Huggett Inter-Varsity Press 1982.
This is the Laity ( Christifideles Laici) ... Grail Publication 1989.
A Prayerbook for Husbands and Wives...Ruthanne and Walter Wangerin Augsburg Press 2000.
Marriage A Fountain of Grace...Rosalie McPhee Madonna House Publications 2001
Marriage Together in Christ...Joseph Rice CTS London 2004
Covenanted Happiness ( Love and Commitment in Marriage)... Cormac Burke Septer Books 1990
The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur...Sophia Books 2002.
They Called Her The Baroness... ( The Life of Catherine Doherty)... Lorene Hanley Duquin Alba House 1995.
Manual for Interior Souls or The Spiritual Life... .Fr. Jean Nicholas Grou. Sophia Institute Press 2002
Marriage & Gift, A Catholic Perspective... Josephine Robinson St. Pauls Publishing. 2004.
Amazing Grace for Married Couples... Cavins, Pinto & Armstrong. Pub by Ascension 2005(?).
Parenting With Grace: Catholic Parent's Guide to Raising Almost Perfect Kids... Popczak, Gregory and Lisa, Our Sunday Visitor 2004.
These books can be obtained from local bookshops but also from
Marriage a road to Holiness Ed. by Christopher Vut VHS