It is at this point that the final confirmation that the words to be given were indeed the Beatitudes. As I was concluding the writing out of the various texts Jesus stated to 'lay these words on my heart.'

JESUS . . . Little one - peace be yours today and always-- little weary soldier - prepare for battle for the war is far from over and the guns are ready to fire at all my followers - all who uphold Hope and Truth.

Do not be dismayed at these words - nor treat them as metaphors or exaggerations. Little warrior fight for Me for they wish to remove My face from the face of the earth. They wish to follow a face filled with lies and darkness - penetrated by evil and ungodly. They will seek to destroy all that is light filled, that can shed even a glimmer of light on the truth. you stand in counter position - well grounded and filled with the Word of the Spirit. Listen only to Me and I will be your strength and guide. I will protect you in all circumstances for I need you to speak the truth.

The world revolves on an insecure axis both physically and spiritually. My 'lights' and yes they do exist and are hidden at the present and more numerous than you think will shine ever the more brightly as the days ahead produce more and more haze and dimness till all becomes dark and obliterated.

How little time there is left to turn to Me and plead for MERCY - BLESSED ARE THEY THAT ARE MERCIFUL but Blessed are they that RECEIVE Mercy from Me for they will become Merciful. Mercy is a fruit of surrender to the perfection of God. Man becomes Mercy - full when he realises his nothingness and harshness and looks on the Face of Love. When the Father's Mercy is shown Man cannot be unmerciful for he has been shown much mercy. You plead for others because you have been shown Love and filled with compassion and Mercy by the Father. I plead for mercy for all My children and they turn away from My Loving Heart, breaking it into pieces. Mankind, I beg you to look into My Holy Face. Look into My Eyes and do not look away. Can you look, even for a few seconds and not be moved? Why do you then reject Me and look away? Do you not know what can befall you. I plead with you do not reject Me for now is the time of forgiveness and grace. Learn from your fathers. Learn from your Saints. See My Beloved Mothers Purity.

In a short time the Oceans will become full and angry, - the movement of water will change and the direction of flow will alter the balance now held by the tides, the wind will roar once again and there will be more devastation. The earth is out of balance and the air is being filled with that which cannot sustain life.

Little ones - pray - pray - beg and plead for Mercy -.

Look at Nature,- look at My Creation - so beautiful - so peaceful - my animals in harmony with all that I have created in Unity with My Father and the Holy Spirit of God.

Do not drown your sorrows with false palliatives - alcohol, drugs, sensuality, wealth, selfishness, and an eagerness to dominate others and not allow goodness.

I am encouraging generosity at this time, to turn man away from himself to others, yes, but to look to Me as the generous Redeemer, God-Made-Man, God who lowered Himself to save all. But you must look up to heaven for your salvation. Generosity comes from the Heart of God.

Halina, I am instructing you about the BLESSINGS, the Holy Blessings. They are important at these times of distress for they are words of encouragement, hope-filled benefits for those who heed My words. You see that there are differences from the words of earlier days and today. Be faithful to that which stirs the Spirit and moves you to Holiness. Man makes light-weight and not heavenly light of My words - a blessing is a happiness but Blessings come from God not man and endure into eternity. Eternal happiness is a gift of God and not Man- made. Happy indeed are the Blessed, even if persecuted or on pain. Unhappy are those who seek only happiness in this life and distort My meanings.

Halina, I have already given you a teaching on Purity of Heart (See Rosebuds). Others will follow but not as given in a particular order. See you have one on Mercy. You will understand in the days to come.

() (Jesus now makes a few personal comments)

Be speedy with the collation off all the work that Dave is doing. Give him the links he needs.

Make this a priority - do some writing - all in a rhythm of prayer.

Halina - your mind wanders a little here for you hear Me questioning your journey to London - next week. This is a matter for prayer and discernment. Be open to all prompting.

Now Little Rosie little reporter - REPORT - yes, and to Michael first - See what I am doing with him- yes encourage him in Service once again. Stop now for you tire . . .

My Blessing on you and your family.

H . . . Thank you My Lord, My love, My Saviour, My King ( 29/1/05 ).

Footnote. Reference should also be made to The Revelation on Divine Mercy given to Saint Faustyna Kowalska..." Divine Mercy in my Soul".

Comment taken from The Ladder of the Beatitudes, postscript comment found: -

A comment made to the author Jim Forest...." Happy isn't good enough," Rabbi Steven Schwarzschild once told me, “The biblical translator who uses such a word should change jobs, maybe write TV comedies with nice happy endings. The problem is that, if you decide you don't like 'blessed', there isn't a single English word which can take its place".