No. 7 Tuesday


JESUS..........When you have been stripped of all things - esteem, possessions or their pleasures, relationships and friendships. When many turn against you and do not understand. When what you believe is costly and leaves you bereft of support and encouragement, think that this is precisely where you are called to be, for it is in this lonely place that I indwell and bring My faithful followers. It is a place which is joy-filled for you cannot lose anything else, but you can gain all Eternity. Your heart may seem troubled but I am so very close to you at such times. You will hear Me call you so gently.


H................... Lord, help me as I am sinking beneath the waves.

Lord, I stumble and fall and loneliness is my daily portion. Lord, I have no one to speak to about what I feel. Help me to remember that You have been here before me and that You are with me at all times. Help me receive your grace of endurance and fill me with hope.


JESUS........Halina, Do not let your own great sorrows dampen your enthusiasm, for the evil one tries to distract you. Focus on your call to service. He now uses your lovely eldest child to concern you....... All will be well. Entrust her to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. She is but young in His gifts. Suffer for her so that she will be wise in spiritual gifts too. Go gently over the next days. Observe all you see.

Be Blessed by My Fathers Hand. He holds It over both of you. No evil shall befall you.


No.8 Wednesday


JESUS........On Wednesday think of those who uphold hope and not those who betray it. Think of those who have stood as beacons of light against a troubled world. Hold fast to the Riches of the Kingdom not the poverty of man and world


PRAY that many will respond to My Call to be light- bearers  and fill all with hope.