No. 1 Ash Wednesday


JESUS......'Remember Man that thou art Dust and unto Dust thou shalt return'.  Ponder your own unimportance but the greatness of the mission that has been entrusted.

Each one has a call, each co-relate. Remember that dust and ash too can be made fertile, and out of nothing can be brought a city. You are My 'cities' of the future if you but remember that I formed Man out of dust but graced him with Eternity.

PRAY that you accept your mission to be brought forth out of nothing to become splendid before My Father.


No.2 Thursday


JESUS......Today reflect on that 'mission'. Did I call the wise? Did I call the clever or rich? I came to call all to follow Me, and those who responded were the poor ones, the lame ones with faults and failings, but follow Me they did even out of the cities and into the country.

PRAY that you will follow Me everywhere and never lose sight of Me.