Teachings given on the 1st September of 1998. St Mary Magdalene's Church Brockley London.



During Adoration of the Most Blessed Host.                                                     


JESUS.... My dear Halina......Can you not see what is happening? War is almost upon you. War of the Flesh and war of the Spirit. The first war can and will lead to the killing of many - but, oh My People, the second will cost you your souls. Wake up -arise, fight for me - do not insult me with gabble - with words said with no love, no meaning. Have I not instructed you well?

You did well not to join in (this kind of prayer) and suffer for Me.

When I lifted up My Spirit to the Father in Prayer, We were One - Our Father- My Father- your Father- He made us , we belong to Him.

I was conceived by the Holy Spirit - sent by My Father - I have taught you the Perfect Prayer.

My people, My people, why do you grieve Me?.

Why do you not say these words in awe of the Majesty of My Father in Heaven.


Our Father......


Say it with Me... Our Father ( Stop) Breathe it into your Spirit - let that knowledge and truth envelope - breathe it in - The Holy Spirit will overshadow, you will hide under His wings....

Our Father...


Who art in Heaven.....


Repeat this many times - Dwell on His Presence - Look on My Life - see the Father's Hand in My Life - your life,  

do you not long, My people, to be with My Father- Our Father?

H....Thank you My Father - thank you for giving us Heaven, for stooping down to us and giving us life through Your Son - We cannot encompass Your Greatness - You are All in All - You are in the Vaults - Jesus, You are in Heaven with Your Father.


Hallowed be Thy  Name....

H..... How Holy -Holy - Holy, Sacred Presence, Wholesome Presence! Oh Sacred Name - dare we speak it ? Father, Abba - My / Our Beloved Daddy - we bend low- bow down in Your Presence. How lowly we are -despise our pride, Father. Teach us to prostrate ourselves before Your Most Holy Name. Teach us to hate our resistance to Humility.Reveal to us Your Holiness -

Your great and wonderful Holiness.


Thy Kingdom Come.....

H...Thy Lord, Thy Kingdom. We are all yours. We cannot do anything on our own- we long for you.

Reign over all people - the fulfilment of Your promise -

We must live this Kingdom -  For you have promised us that we share a part of Your Kingdom through Baptism.

We are your slaves, servants. Yet You enoble us with Your Presence -

We dare to look at The King and His Kingdom through Jesus, Your Holy, Divine Son.


Thy Will Be Done....

H....WILL... What you will should be our only intention-

Show us Your Will, Lord - show us that we start as your Son showed us -then live our lives in holy submission and on the Cross. Make us long to be like Him - make us long to die for You so that Your Will is fulfilled and we can one day bow with the grace of whole submission.


As it is in Heaven....

H.... Your Saints bow - your Angels bow - Mary is the Queen of Heaven - how splendid is Her crown - how wonderfully She reigns in total submission.

She is the perfection of Your Kingdom. She is our Mother, our Human Mother, Woman of Earth, Queen of Heaven. She breaks our ties with satan by showing us true lowliness of heart. She taught us how to do Your Will - She conceived Your Son. From Heaven to earth, to Heaven and now Son and Mother, Mother and Son, Call ' Make your earthly lives Holy as your lives can then be wholly in heaven'.


Give us this Day Our Daily Bread....

H.... Oh Bread of Heaven, Sacred Manna, Bread of Redemption, Sustenance of Spirit, Replenishment of Soul, True Body of Jesus, Infused into our being.

Father, Your bounty is amazing. We who have to toil for bread, receive FREE the Bread of Heaven - Alleluia - Alleluia - Alleluia! Father, we have no right to such goodness. Thank you for Your Love. Thank you for Your Presence. Thank you for answering our prayer.


Forgive us our trespasses....

H....Lord, forgive us - Forgive us- Forgive us

Lord, we are such poor creatures - we fail--- We fail.

Jesus.... Halina - pray intently for Fr. X.He does not have love - offer your love of Me to Me for him.Let me pray through your submission to Me. Let Me do with you what I will. Say Yes, now, Halina.

Stop at this moment....

( I was distressed at this priest's speed of prayer especially as the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary were said with such speed.)

Jesus asked me to prostrate myself on the floor for him and stay for the two Mysteries.

H.... Jesus, I cannot do less than you bid - help me to do more for your Holy Name's sake-.


As we forgive those who trespass against us...

H....Lord Jesus, what is there to forgive? - we are all sinners!


Jesus....Forgiveness is the emptying out of self -

Give of yourself for others.

Hold on to nothing save the Cross-

Cross yourself with Me.

You must nor bear grudges, or give false witness

or sin against each other by withholding love.

Love one another as I have loved you.

Total love leads to total forgiveness.

Who are you not to forgive, when I forgive so much

more than anyone can dream of - the sins of man fill oceans and oceans - yet see - Look at the Cross - See I forgive.

My Love is boundless - Beg for the gift of Forgiveness and Purity of Heart. Selflessness.


And lead us not into temptation...


H.... Father, I beg you for this. I know how utterly frail and fallible I am- Father do not let me be so weak that I stray into harms way - into situations that breed sin - help me avoid all occasions of sin - When I fall please rescue me, help me to start again.


THE FATHER.....I permit temptation to strengthen you My daughter - See how slow you are to resist.

If you obey Me the temptations will weaken - you will know the 'evil one's' intentions clearly and these will reveal to you your areas of weakness and fault. Listen to Me and your one Confessor.

Have you learnt anything this week of 'withdrawal'. Can you bend your knee in surrender and humility?

See how weak you are.

My people obey Me - in every thing you do- every little grace I give respond to Me.I am pouring out My gifts and graces. Watch them fall on you like flowers.. without Me you cannot avoid sin or temptation.


But deliver us from Evil....

H... Lord, you broke the bondage of sin through Jesu.


( These word then were addressed to Jesus)


Your Holy Mother will step on the head of the serpent. Lord, have pity and Mercy on Me, a Sinner.


Jesus...I protect MY People. My Angels defend your honours. They surround you night and day. The Saints interceed for you. My Mother is your Protector always.

She will banish Lucifer for ever. It is My Will.



Ponder these things. Pray with All Holy Ones. Let Me guide your words. Speak My Prayer through your heart. Do not worry about others. Just do as I ask .




it is now nine years since I heard these words in my  heart. Much has happened and by the grace of God my understanding of some of the things given to me has deepened. This was one of the first explicit teaching that I received and truly I did not quite know how to receive it.

What seems so obvious now certainly was not so at the time. More used to receiving words from the Son, Our Lord Jesus, I, although being taught how to pray to the Father, was totally bewildered, and incredulous and amazed when the Tone and Substance of the Giver changed. Indeed when I was writing I did not label the passage.... and 'Lead us not into temptation' as having come from the Father. I simply left it blank.

I knew that it was different and everything in me told me it was the Father, but I found this impossible to grasp.

The words that followed bore this confusion as I did not really know who I was speaking to.

For this reason having expressed my doubt and fears to

Michael, my husband, and our Spiritual Director, I left these in abeyance......

However the Lord's promptings recently have taken me back to this teaching and I saw it in a different light.


Indeed, without realising it most of my prayer had always been addresed to and through Jesus from the earliest age, or indeed through My Mother certainly as a child. Somehow the image of God the Father had not impinged itself on me. Perhaps this was a blessing as often people seem to have a rather custodial or severe view of The Father in Heaven which I seem to have been spared. Further neither did I have a 'benign  man with a kindly face and beard image'. Yet I had always loved The 'Our Father' as a prayer and indeed knew of its Power . Had I not had instances of its tremedous strengh in despelling temptation or protecting me?


In one moment therefore, I was catapulted into another realisation of the Trintarian reality of God, Father Son and Spirit. Sacramental Confirmation had brought the significance of the Spirit, but suddenly I became aware of The Father's Voice and Hand in all things.


One thing did change straight away and that was the way that my thoughts and words slowed as I pronounce them in prayer.. a gift of this locution.

As I wrote the word after... 'Who art in Heaven', I now realise that they probably were the first words that I addressed to the Father.


But the prayer as taught lay dormant in my heart till a very curious interchange happened at the hand of Bishop Danylak, our so kind friend.At this point the whole locution came back to me, as more teaching, in a now familiar form, often through  the prompting of others.

